

Rehabilitation, repair, & maintenance services is one major business activity that we are serving to our existing clients and one of our strongest competency in terms of performance. And this become our way of contributing towards cutting carbon emission by helping clients, re-use worn-out equipment, or machine components.

Benefits of Rehabilitation / Repair Activity
  • LOWER COST, save more than haft of original cost. It’s the cheaper to repair than buying new one.
  • SHORTER DOWNTIME. For special equipment or machine component that are off the self, i.e. non stock parts, repair is the quickest solution to operational downtime.
  • CAN BE DONE ON SITE. For most of our rehabilitation activity were mostly done on site, because the machine cannot be moved around, or very costly to transport.
  • THERE IS AN OPPURTUNITY TO ENHANCE THE PHYSICAL PROPERTY. To further improved the material, say to increase hardness, resistance to corrosion, we can put-in new material via welding or thermal spray technology.
  • GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP. All of our works are back-up with a warranty, six to one year depending on clients request. This is under the condition of normal operation, subject to evalluation. We have a means of doing this, because we have the equipment to test and evalluate our works.
  • IT HELPS OUR PLANET TOWARD GREENER ENVIRONMENT. By lessening the carbon emission contributed in making new parts or machinery, repairing it is the way to avoid costly making new one.
Methodology and Technology We Applied in Our Works

Rehabilitation & repair is more often requires specialized technique to successfully achieve or meet the desired result, with this we need to integrate other technique aside from the conventional processes usually applied, some of the technique such as;

  • MAINTENANCE WELDING TECHNOLOGY. This is a special way of welding component that are worn-out, broken or failed during its use. Unlike welding a new metal, used parts were already undergone stress & Fatigue, oily or with coating on it, that’s why we use different technique, welding materials and equipments. This has become a special application of so called maintenance welding technology.
  • THERMAL SPRAY TECHNOLOGY. This is another way of applying metals of different materials & quality, such as higher resistance to wear, like ceramics on metal substrate, and so many other endless possibility.
  • NDT, METALLOGRAPHY & FAILURE ANALYSIS. Equipment & Know-how to check, and analyze the material conditions, flaws or defects before and after the rehabilitation.
  • ON SITE MACHINING. We have the equipment specifically designed for on-site machining that will deliver precision and accurate results.


Below are the samples of our Rehabilitation Works with some of our clients as follows;

Gate Valves Project for CBK POWER COMPANY, Kalayaan, Laguna

Before Reworks:

After Reworks:

Click on the image to view larger version

PULVERIZER GEAR-BOX REPAIR - Batangas Coal Fired Thermal Power Plant

Click on the image to view larger version

There are endless machinery components & equipment, that can be rehabilitated, not only these valves, gear box in which up to this time still on service. Just give us a call and we will evalluate the possibility of rehabilitating your parts. Specially those super size expensive capital equipment that takes time to make, we can possibly help saving your equipment at much more less cost than buying new one.