

Articulated Video Borescope System (AVBS) has been specially designed for a wide range of applications, where a small portable video device is required to display an image of the inspection area or to facilitate image and video capture through a computer or laptop. The narrow 6mm diameter is great for accessing spark plug holes in gas or diesel engines, and the ability to articulate the tip 120 degrees in two directions is a great addition. These Portable AVBS Video Borescopes feature a 6mm (0.24") diameter insertion tube, with a 1/10” video camera chip located directly in the tip, a focal range from 5- 200 mm, 2-way tip articulation with 120 degrees in each direction, controlled through a circular disk on the hand piece, and a 3.5” TFT LCD to display the live image. The AVBS Video Borescopes also feature a video output jack to export the live video image from the monitor to a larger TV, allowing customers and operators to discuss areas of interest, or allowing you to connect to a computer or laptop though a USB capture box, for image and video capture of your inspections. Additionally, the insertion tube features a water/oil proof Endoflex sheathing, with Stainless Steel Reticulation, and a tough plastic coated exterior, a skid-proof, anti-shock, ergonomic design for full operation with gloves on, built in LEDs to illuminate the inspection area directly from the tip, a rechargeable Li-ion battery for up to 8 hours of portable use, and working temperature range from -20 – 60 degrees C.


  • Endoflex Sheathing of the insertion tube, with stainless steel reticulation, and tough plastic exterior.
  • 2-way Tip Articulation for easy and effective inspection, up to 120 degrees in every direction.
  • 3.5” TFT LCD Monitor, Easy Video Output.
  • Water, Diesel, Gasoline, Brake Fluid, Avgas, Antifreeze, motor oil, gear oil and kerosene proof insertion tube.
  • Built in LED light Source for direct illumination from the tip of the Probe. No light travelling along fiber optic cables.